fowleri in recreational waters can help provide policy decision makers with science-backed information to support risk management efforts. fowleri in water samples, studies that adopt a quantification approach to link concentrations of established indicator organisms to the occurrence of N. Although there has been increased research and interest in N. fowleri in recreational water is currently not regulated in the United States. fowleri was however strongly negatively correlated with HF183 ( r = −0.859, p 19.1 ☌) than at lower temperatures (<19.1 ☌). Illumina sequencing of sediment samples revealed ten different phyla, with Cyanobacteria being the most predominant at sites that generally presented with the highest median N. fowleri was detected in 51.25% of our sediment samples. In this study, quantitative polymerase chain reaction methods were used to test for the prevalence of Naegleria fowleri, HF183, and E. This amoeba is pathogenic and can cause primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. The occurrence of amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, in sediment samples from Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana was investigated.